#<- romantic or platonic or qp i dont mind
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mofsblog · 6 months ago
Maybe a hot take but if Arthur and Oscar ever see eachother again, I need Oscar to be at least a little bitter and passive aggressive. As a treat.
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cheetahsprints · 1 year ago
S3 Spoiler
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What they meant
Sonic: Grab my hand, no homo :)?
Shadow: Yes homo
Sonic: Ok your idea is better so how ya doin 😏
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I honestly don't know how to start this cause I'm awkward lol but basically: my mom thinks my close(ish?) Friend is my "boyfriend"... could not be further from the truth 💀 (also sorry this is a bit long btw i like detail & that is a pain for me to deal with sometimes. This could be catagorized as venty but this is meant to be just a bit of a mind dump)
I'm aromantic asexual (romo+sex repulsed/adverse) & bigender (boy+girl), the um- suspected "boyfriend": she's a lesbian trans woman. This has happened a couple times, ligit were that mean gay & overly nice lesbian meme & somehow A NOTABLE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE THINK WERE DATING 💀 told her like imidiatly over text just to clear anything up like if my moms weird or smth. She was just like "oh shit" & we havnt mentioned it since.
What makes it a bit awkward tho is I DO lowkey have a squish/qp crush on her, on & off, but I know that my attraction tends to fade & waver with time (like- Lithqueerplatonic / Queerplatonicflux I guess). So I wouldn't really want to be in like, a qpr w/ her. That & I've always kinda "worry" that my boy/masc part may make most lesbians uncomfortable being in a qpr with me and vice versa with gay men & my girl/ fem part.
Anyway I just have really intense platonic feelings when I do have them & I wish as a society we were more ok with expressing that ;> RELASHIONSHIP ANARCHY WHEN?? when will ppl be "allowed" to kiss their homies goodnight without it being perceived romantic?? WHEN ;D (I'm also on the aplatonic spectrum, dont have many friends & dont plan on having many. I think too many ppl overwhelm me.)
My ideal QPR would just be like: cuddling/leaning on eachother, time together, nicknames & small gifts of appreciation (inexpensive &/or handmade stuff or food), I find kissing weird as a concept so a no for that personally in general. And like, at this point... thinking out loud idk if I want to do that w/ her specifically or if I just want a qpr? Cause like I'd only feel comfortable even touching ppl I'm fairly if not really close to & she checks that box by being in my short friend list. For reference: I only started regularly hugging & saying I love you to my best friend recently & we've known eachother & been mutually eachothers best friends for a decade. (I used to occasionally question if i had qp feelings for him but I am like VERY sure it's just heavy platonic appreciation. i love him so much hes the brother i never had i fr cannot stress how much i love him hes fr fr the best bro bro not even related to the topic really i just want to say that i love tf out of him hes awsome)
Anyway plz prey/etc that I don't get weirded out by my mom so much that I come out as aroace 💀 (i find even the idea of being in a romantic/sexual relationship repusing & unconfortable to think about. Just not my thing, if that changes fine i just don't anticipate that happening. Also I don't think she's like, a "kick me out" aphobic, just an uneducated 1. I just don't want to deal w/ any of it tbh. I want a clean cut "I am [blank]" statment and for the "conversation" to be over with but I don't expect that ) tldr: wish me luck on this journey of the cringe that is existing ☺
good luck!!!!! existing do be difficult but it will be okay :]
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qpr-culture-is · 2 years ago
Hi! Is there a queerplatonic identity for when you’re ok with a romantic or queer platonic relation ship? Like how Ambiamorus is someone who’s ok with a monogamous or polyamorous relationship, but for queerplatonic?
Im also not too sure if i even feel queerplatonic attraction but i dont think id mind a relationship, would that classify as Cupio-queerplatonic?
Honestly, I really don't believe there is, but I very well could be wrong. I mean my reasoning behind it ambiamorus (and just non- monogamous labels in general) more or less just express whether or not you are comfortable with being in a relationship with more than on person at a time, and that you are capable of having attraction in such a way. It is more an adjective for a person/relationship, if that makes sense. Qprs are an actual type of relationship. It's kind of like how you may want both romantic and platonic relationships, you probably wouldn't say that you're a specific identity because you want both kinds of relationships. And maybe that'd classify as cupio-qp, I'm not completely sure because I don't believe there really is any set it stone kind of attraction for qp, I mean really the only way I could describe queerplatonic attraction as is the want of a queer platonic relationship with a certain person/people, because that feeling of attraction can vary so much between people. But if you feel the label fits then of course, use it.
Hopefully this helps, and always feel free to ask any more questions
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tsukasalover · 6 months ago
my solution to this was to start planning out a rui centric wxs fic related to his experiences with physical affection. id like for it to be seen as platonic or qp whenever i get the chance to finish (or even start… bcs school is so soon im gonna scream) it but i personally just dont see him as one to initiate much physical affection first. (fanon “romantic prince” rui Stay Back Who Are You?? Don’t come inside of this house.) or like he’d know how to handle a lott of physical affection in my head its kind of just him going huh 😮❓. idk he just feels stiff when it comes to that but maybe theres something in canon thatll prove me wrong. but at least i can get a much clearer picture about this situation in my head and i kind of have a rough draft in my mind for it already
i guess itll count as light angst ifff i change some things but overall i still want it to be sweet and heartwarming../)-)/.. Rui Yuor friends love you so much. Yes its okay to love them back with all your heart. There there. Not selfish. This truly was our happy ending (still sighing over getting t3k)
last time i wrote anything with wxs it was wxs going camping and that was back in july + i really have to finish rereading the stories Gosh my memory always fails me. but for right now i want it to start out with emu and rui in the first chapter.. nnks are gonna be there but im letting a few different ideas play out in my head just to test things out. i like to let emu and rui do spins in my mind a lot especially whwn it comes to their parallels but their dynamic is So Goofy. So sweet. Love it love it love it. I need to post about this one cute area convo i got w them after ohe
I mightve complained about this somewheree else before ? but i was originally planning on writing a one shot where rui and tsukasa cuddle during a sleepover ?? something like that because theyre both still awake but eventually tossed that over to the ideas for art/doodles pile because I cannot imagine it happening at all.
Like of course i can handle ships and all that romantic stuff with my favorite characters it can be really cute but i Hate writing anything with a romantic context so much. Especially when it comes to ruikasa simply due to the fact that i dont like most ways theyre portrayed in romantic relationships and my brain goes No.. No. Needs more funny oddball moments in this. Don’t dip into that corny stuff or you’ll look like one of Those ruikasa fans that doesn’t get them. Even if its not that bad. with aus like set in Entirely different worlds i can be a bit more free but if its based off of them in the canon universe (sorta) i get reaaally picky. i can let go of other people messing up sometimes because we’re just humans but if i got anyone in wxs really wrong id pack my bags. idm any criticism as long as people arent acting vicious and obnoxious but if i try and correct my own mistakes.. 🤕
is part of this also because romance almost never crosses my mind during my free time? absolutely. (exceptions are when my friends need someone to open up to while in relationships. i dont know how good my advice is but supposedly its helped) I could care less if it stays that way. Friendship is a powerful thing. this is always good when it comes to wxs though because its like Hell yes I dont have to overthink about what theyd be like in romantic relationships (i overthink about everything else with them though) and I Love Friendship Lalala Buuut if i ever get ideas for fics that are romantic and just want to have fun for once it gets scary real fast.
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bestworstcase · 4 years ago
hey could i just ask you abt your thoughts on cass and whether she and rapunzel were lowkey queerplatonic in tts? bc a lot of their relationship in s1/early s2 maybe can be read as crushes but at the same time i get the feeling they'd maybe stumbled into a qpr w/o either of them fully being able to process what that is, so they're still calling each other best friends when they're. not really?
ok i need to preface this by saying 1) im aro, and 2) i dont engage with the aromantic community at all because 3) i find this specific concept to be very alienating, so my personal feelings here are a bit negative.
but that being said if you’re someone for whom the qp terminology resonates and you see that personal experience reflected in cass and rapunzel’s relationship i think it’s a fair reading of the text? the overt canon is that they love each other but there’s a lot of room to interpret precisely what the shape of that love is. like def please don’t take this as me going ‘you are WRONG’ bc it’s not.
further elaboration on my thoughts under the cut. the tldr here is i don’t…personally use qp terminology for reasons™️, and my feelings about ‘qpr cassunzel’ align roughly with my feelings about ‘requited romantic cassunzel’ ie i’m not keen / my read on them tilts hard toward cass having unrequited romantic feelings.
re: qp terminology in general, i can kinda conceptualize romantic feelings as ‘friend + sexual desire;’ but i was loosely active in the aro community back when qp terminology was coined and i still don’t know what the distinction…is, particularly outside the context of a committed platonic partnership. it’s ‘friendship + ??’
so i disengaged from the aro community when qp terminology got popular, bc it sort of… defeated the purpose for me. like i can’t even distinguish the subjective feeling of ‘romance’ from that of ‘friendship’ and suddenly the broader comm was pushing this concept of a new subjective feeling distinct from both romance and friendship and somehow even more arcane and incomprehensible in what the difference is supposed to be 🙃
meaning, also, i’ve never and probably will never go ‘i think these characters have qp feelings for each other.’ it’s just a subjective experience so alien to my own that i genuinely cannot wrap my head around what on earth it entails gkvjvhd
but also. assorted thoughts:
1 - i may be out of date here vis a vis how qp terminology is used *now* (see previous re: i disengaged due to its popularization) BUT a qpr as it was defined when it was first coined is, regardless of the subjective feelings being felt or the reasons for using that label vs dating vs platonic partnership, a committed partnership and like. cassandra and rapunzel are emphatically not in a committed partnership. i am firmly in the camp of you cannot have a committed partnership by accident; you can’t accidentally date someone; you can’t accidentally have a qpr with them. (if i had a friend come to me and go ‘i feel like we are dating/life partners/qpps’ i would drop that whole relationship so fast their head would spin. it’s a big transgression of boundaries. i feel very strongly about this.)
2 - i read cassandra’s feelings for rapunzel in s1 and early s2 as explicitly romantic (she absolutely wants to kiss rapunzel there is not a single doubt in my mind), and then getting slowly warped into this…mingled resentment/servile devotion as the friendship grew more and more toxic for her. and i read rapunzel’s feelings as platonic with an intensity that she might, were she less sheltered and were she not already dating eugene, experience as a ‘crush.’
3 - i also kind of read rapunzel as not being an especially sexual person. (not ace, because i think a lot of it comes from being young and very sheltered and just not really ready for intimacy beyond the very chaste expressions of physical affection with eugene that we see in the show.) which is what makes the platonic/romantic divide so wibbly in my reading of her feelings vis a vis cass, because like i said, the way i distinguish romance from friendship is it’s ‘friendship + sexual desire’ and i don’t read rapunzel as having anything but very fleeting or weak sexual desire for anyone at this point in her life, including eugene. but at the same time rapunzel is someone who feels affection very deeply and intensely and she clearly adores romance as a concept so… i take it as a given that she does get the, like, tropey ‘butterflies in stomach’ crush-style feelings regardless.
4 - when it comes to post-series i’m ambivalent for the same reasons i’m ambivalent about requited cassunzel, namely a] it wasn’t a healthy friendship for cass, b] i’m not a fan of the ot3 in any configuration, and c] the options for post-canon cassunzel essentially boil down to “cass comes back to settle down in corona because it’s her ✨home✨” (which i don’t care for) or “cass has a long-term long distance relationship with rapunzel, who is married” (which i hate) or “rapunzel abdicates, dumps eugene, and goes off to adventure with cass” (which is okay but also doesn’t feel like something rapunzel would do imo).
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winterywitch · 8 years ago
for the meme, kantera, plague knight, mona, aaaaaaaaaand cherana
oh shit we doing this
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | but also pretty hot bc zazo is kantera? Hm | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his appearance and cute way of speaking!worst quality: HE DID THAT! HE REALLY DID THATship them with: dogma, tabasa, raymond [more qp than anything but i mean yknow. not WHOLLY platonic], and also kantera w/ yumi is starting to grow on me??brotp them with: h- he wants to be russell’s dad very badlyneeds to stay away from: russell’s parents bc he would’ve killed them before russell ever had a chance to and you know he would’vemisc. thoughts: gay trans traumatized dragon man who DID that
plague knight
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | can i bplease get a “cute” | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his wgiggles, and also the emotional depth ive projected onto himworst quality: has plague knight ever done anything wrong? the answer is no. actually wait no i dont like his self-serving personality, the man has no sense of teamwork and even though i made up a headcanon to explain that i still think its a bad personality trait to have just as like, a person, its no flaw in the writingship them with: mona, shovel knight, specter knight, also i ship everyone with his thighsbrotp them with: mole knight, i picture the two being kinda buddies (headcanon time: specifically after plague knight helped mole knight realize king knight is an asshole). canonically he and tinker knight seem to be friends but idk after that Feel Fest i just cant see itneeds to stay away from: people who encourage his distrust in others and low self-esteemmisc. thoughts: i can be good
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: THE WAY SHE MAKES ME FEEL EMOTIOnsworst quality: lady you really need to learn how to say words and also hear words - but like ive also headcanoned this to make more sense, soship them with: plague knightbrotp them with: also plague knight, theyre romantic, qp and brosneeds to stay away from: the magicist bc shes gonna kill her ass but like also i wouldnt stop her, i would hold her purse and everythingmisc. thoughts: kind of kin??
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | i mean like, i feel sorry for him in a sense and i hope he finds better. no one deserves what he’s going through but he’s still a horrible person | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would banghogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: his unbreakable confidence is smth very new for me as a writer and i like to think ive been handling it well, i like that he’s a challenge and he’s not what i normally writeworst quality: literally everything about himship them with: no onebrotp them with: also no one like i dont think he’s safe to be intimate with and i also think the people in his life who COULD be shipped with [mostly nneme/mr song comes to mind] him are people he would kill in cold blood for even LOOKING at himneeds to stay away from: like, everyonemisc. thoughts: [rooting for nana to get the fuck out but like also mostly rooting for both nana and cherry to get the shit kicked out of them]
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